Native Seeds and Land Repair has a strong track record in the supply of native seeds for a number of projects and is committed to promoting industry best practise in the use of native plant seeds within Australia. We are able to supply top quality native plant seeds in large and small volumes, as well as assist in the provision of considered advice to ensure the success of your project.
From our practical and physical involvement with plants at such an intimate level, over vast areas and the various ecosystems within, we have the qualifications to advise and critique with authority the design of direct seeding restoration projects that will work.
We believe that the biggest downfall in direct seed revegetation success at the moment comes from the under qualified authors of project design specifications. We consistently see seeding specifications that will fail. We design appropriate species mixes for each individual project, coupling native plant selections to match relevant ecological conditions as well as underlying project constraints to ensure the best outcome for our clients.
Below are a selection of projects Native Seeds and Land Repair have provided seed and advice for.